Travis Walton UFO Encounter

“It was many years ago that I got out of a crew truck in the national forest and ran toward a large glowing UFO hovering in the darkening Arizona sky. But when I made that fateful choice to leave the truck, I was leaving behind more than just my six fellow workmen. I was leaving behind forever all semblance of a normal life, running headlong toward an experience so overwhelmingly mind-rending in it’s effects, so devastating in its aftermath, that my life would never-could never-be the same again.”

(Travis Walton)

Yesterday marked  39 years to date since the alleged Travis Walton UFO abduction.  The case received mainstream publicity and is one of the best known UFO abduction cases.   It resulted in 1993 movie “Fire in the Sky”.

It involved 7 loggers working near Turkey Springs in Arizona: Mike Rogers (the employer), Travis Walton, Ken Peterson, John Goulette, Steve Pierce, Allen Dallis and Dwayne Smith .  On November 5, 1975, Travis Walton, Rogers and the rest of the crew were returning from their shift when they noticed a bright light shining behind the hill.  As they drove up closer, they were able to make out a large golden disc hovering below the tops of the trees.  Rogers, who was driving, stopped the truck and Walton supposedly exited and went towards the shining disc.  As the terrified loggers watched, Travis Walton was apparently hit by a beam of light, lifted a foot off the ground and then violently thrown back.  The loggers fled the scene in terror, leaving Travis Walton behind.  When they returned a short while later, Travis was gone.

Over the next 5 days, the loggers were interviewed by the police and initially suspected of murder.  They were subjected to polygraph tests which they all passed.    Area where Travis disappeared was combed through using K9 units and helicopters but Travis was nowhere to be found.  He returned 5 days later claiming alien abduction.  Upon medical examination two things were noticed: Travis had a red mark in the crease of his right elbow consistent with hypodermic injection and his urine sample revealed lack of ketones which suggest that despite apparent lack of food for 5 days, his body was not starved.

In the years following, Travis Walton has passed many polygraph tests and his story has never changed.  The workmen that were with him that day and witnessed the encounter have not recanted their testimonies either.  In fact, Steve Pierce was offered money several times to admit the encounter was a hoax but he refused every time.

My take on this event:

I’ve always been on the fence regarding the abduction stories.  As much as I believe that Earth is being visited by out of this world entities, abduction events take it one step further.  It’s really hard to believe that such events could take place and that’s why the diligent research, critical thinking and open mind really help here.

It’s inconceivable that any one person, never mind seven people, would lie consistently for 39 years without slipping up or breaking.  Their lives were thrown into chaos, they were ridiculed, laughed at and persecuted by public opinion.  Some altered their names and had to move away from the area in order to live somewhat normal lives.  Despite that, they have stuck to their story.  Steve Pierce speaks to that effect in his 2012 interview with Open Minds Tv.

Some people say they were after the fame and the riches.  First of all, none of the witnesses got rich as a result of this encounter.  Second, fame that involves one being laughed at and harassed through out one’s life is hardly something to consciously plan for.

I have watched many videos of Travis speaking out and I’ve been on a lookout for any inconsistencies in his story as well as signs of lying and I couldn’t find any.  Even though that is not any solid evidence, he at least appears to be a truthful and humble man.

While no one can be 100% certain one way or another, I believe there is a reasonable doubt to trust Travis Walton story. Something terrifying happened to these seven men on that cold November night, something that profoundly changed their lives going forward, something possibly out of this world.

Some useful Travis Walton links:

Travis Walton website

Travis Walton Wikipedia page

2014 Skyfire Summit

and few videos: